On this site, you will find a step-by-step guide on how to run the mail server Mailcow on CloudPanel.
The mail server Mailcow is a dockerized application that is addressed via Reverse Proxy.
System Requirements
- >= 1 Core
- >= 6 GB of RAM
- >= 20 GB Disk
Disable Postfix
Login via SSH as root and stop and disable the postfix service:
systemctl stop postfix && systemctl disable postfix
Docker Installation
- Login via SSH as root:
ssh root@instance-ip-address
- Install Docker with Docker Compose with the following command:
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Debian 11 LTS
Install docker and the docker compose plugin:
curl -sSL | CHANNEL=stable sh && apt install docker-compose-plugin
- Install apparmor first as a workaround for the following issue.
apt update && apt -y install apparmor
- Install docker and the docker compose plugin:
curl -sSL | CHANNEL=stable sh && apt install docker-compose-plugin
Mailcow Installation
- Clone the Mailcow Git Repository to /opt/mailcow-dockerized:
git clone /opt/mailcow-dockerized
- Initialize Mailcow by executing the script:
cd /opt/mailcow-dockerized/ && ./
- Set the Mail server hostname (FQDN), e.g.,

- Open the configuration file and change the values for HTTP_PORT, HTTP_BIND, HTTPS_PORT, HTTPS_BIND.
nano /opt/mailcow-dockerized/mailcow.conf
Starting Mailcow
To start Mailcow, we go to the directory /opt/mailcow-dockerized/ and launch the docker containers.
cd /opt/mailcow-dockerized/ && docker compose pull && docker compose up -d
Reverse Proxy Configuration
To access Mailcow via our domain, we create a Reverse Proxy and forward the traffic to port 7443.
- In CloudPanel, create a Reverse Proxy with your Domain Name and as Reverse Proxy Url.

Go to your Reverse Proxy and issue an SSL/TLS Certificate.
Done. You can now login with the username admin and password moohoo.

- For security reasons, we recommend putting a Basic Authentication in front of your Mailcow installation.