Amazon Web Services

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete; check out the CloudPanel v2 Docs.

On this page, we explain step by step how to run CloudPanel on an EC2 instance on Amazon Web Services.

Launching an EC2 Instance

Choose AMI

1) Login into the AWS Management Console.

2) Click on the AMI ID to launch CloudPanel in your desired AWS Region.

AWS RegionX64ARM64 (Graviton)
US East (N.Virginia)LaunchLaunch
US East (Ohio)LaunchLaunch
US West (N. California)LaunchLaunch
US West (Oregon)LaunchLaunch
Africa (Cape Town)LaunchNot yet available
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)LaunchLaunch
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)LaunchLaunch
Asia Pacific (Seoul)LaunchLaunch
Asia Pacific (Singapore)LaunchLaunch
Asia Pacific (Sydney)LaunchLaunch
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)LaunchLaunch
Canada (Central)LaunchLaunch
Europe (Frankfurt)LaunchLaunch
Europe (Ireland)LaunchLaunch
Europe (London)LaunchLaunch
Europe (Milan)LaunchLaunch
Europe (Paris)LaunchLaunch
Europe (Stockholm)LaunchLaunch
Middle East (Bahrain)LaunchLaunch
South America (Sáo Paulo)LaunchLaunch

Choose Instance Type

Choose your instance type and click on the button Next: Configure Instance Details

Configure Instance

Select your network (VPC) and click on the button Next: Add Storage

Add Storage

Change the size of your EBS volume if needed. The default volume size of the home partition is 25 GB and can be increased later at any time.

Add Tags

Click on button Add Tag and enter Name as Key and in Value enter the name of your instance.

Configure Security Group

1) Create a security group with the following ports:

TypeProtocolPort RangeSourceComment
Custom TCP RuleTCP8443Your IP/32CloudPanel Port
SSHTCP22Your IP/32
HTTPTCP80Anywhere (, ::/0)
HTTPSTCP443Anywhere (, ::/0)


Select an existing key pair or create a new key pair.
When you select Create a new key pair enter a key pair name and Download Key Pair.

Click on the button Launch Instance to get your instance up and running.

Create Elastic IP Address

Having a static IP (Elastic IP Address) is needed for running web applications.

1) To create an Elastic IP Address click in the left navigation on Network & Security --> Elastic IPs.

2) Click on button Allocate Elastic IP address to create an Elastic IP Address.

3) Select the Allocated IP Address and Associate it to your launched instance.

Access CloudPanel

You can now access the CloudPanel via Browser: https://yourElasticIpAddress:8443

Ignore the self-signed certificate warning and click on Advanced and Proceed to continue to CloudPanel.

SSH Access

With your previously created private key, you can connect to the instance via SSH.
Make sure that the private key has read-only (chmod 400) permissions.

ssh -i path_to_your_private_key.pem admin@yourElasticIpAddress

With the following command you can become root.

sudo su root