CloudPanel CLI Commands

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete; check out the CloudPanel v2 Docs.

The CloudPanel CLI is a command-line application that offers commands for backing up databases, restoring databases, showing database credentials, disabling two-factor authentification, resetting passwords, and resetting permissions.

With the following command you see all available commands:


The following commands are available only for the root user:

  • db:show:credentials
  • db:show:master-password
  • user:disable:mfa
  • user:reset:password
  • vhost-templates:import

The following commands are available for other users:

  • db:backup
  • db:import
  • system:permissions:reset


Database Backup

With the Database Backup command you can backup all databases or specific ones.

For backing up databases, CloudPanel uses the standard utility mysqldump.

To backup all databases, run the following command:

clpctl db:backup --databases=all

If you want to exclude some databases, run the following command:

clpctl db:backup --databases=all --ignoreDatabases=db1,db2

To backup only one specific database, run the following command:

clpctl db:backup --databases=$databaseName

The Database Backups will be compressed via gzip and stored in the following directory:


Database Import

Importing or restoring a database can be done with the following command:

clpctl db:import --file=dump.sql.gz --database=database-name

The supported file formats are .sql and sql.gz.

Database Credentials

The Database Credentials command shows the master credentials for connecting to the database.

clpctl db:show:credentials

The output will look like:

Use the Connect Command to connect to MySQL from the command-line.

This command is only available for the root user.

Database Master Password

To display only the Database Maste Password run the following command:

clpctl db:show:master-password

This command is only available for the root user.


Disable 2-FA

To disable Two-Factor Authentication for a user, run the following command:

clpctl user:disable:mfa 'john.doe'

This command is only available for the root user.

Reset Password

To reset a password for a user, run the following command:

clpctl user:reset:password 'john.doe' 'newPassword123'

This command is only available for the root user.


Permission Reset

To reset the owner and permissions of files and directories run the following command:

clpctl system:permissions:reset $directoryOrFile 775

The reset of the owner and permissions are applied recursively.