Shopware 6

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete

CloudPanel v1 is obsolete; check out the CloudPanel v2 Docs.

On this page, we explain step by step how to setup Shopware 6 with CloudPanel.


In the following example we will setup Shopware under the domain


Before we can start with the installation, we need to create an SSH User, a Database, and a Domain.

When you Add the Domain, make sure to select the Shopware 6 Vhost Template and the right PHP Version.

Document Root

Make sure to point the Document Root to the public directory and to use PHP 7.4.


  1. Login via SSH to the server e.g. with john-ssh and go to the users tmp directory:
cd ~/tmp
  1. Download and extract Shopware 6:
curl -sLo && unzip -d shopware6
  1. Move files to the htdocs directory of the domain:
cp -R shopware6/* /home/cloudpanel/htdocs/
  1. Reset permissions.
cd /home/cloudpanel/htdocs/
clpctl system:permissions:reset 775
  1. Clean up the tmp directory.
rm -rf ~/tmp/*
  1. Open your domain in the browser and go through the Installation Wizard.

  1. Done! You can now login to the Shopware 6 admin area.